sparks and suffering

I just had another mini-epiphany. Except it's not something ... particularly poignant or deep. I would rather forget it all actually.

I just realised that I haven't written in this diary in a while.
Because I haven't had anything to write down in a while.
Because I haven't been thinking at all lately.
Because I haven't had time.

Term one has passed by in such a blur. I don't really have any memorable markers to show my growth during that period in this diary. It's like who I was, and who I'm turning into, disappeared for one term.

I can't remember the last time I sat and dreamed of things. Term one... it passed by in a blur, but it wasn't a fast type of blur. It was this really slow, monotonous, poisonous, leeching type blur. It's sucking the life out of my imagination and creativity.

And that's what I need the most right now. I need that spark to colour in my grey world.

How do you expect me to live without it?

8:12 p.m.

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