
I've known for a while that I have hardly any empathy at all. Why does it sound like I am lacking in being a human being when I say that?
How am I supposed to know what you are going through? It's just an insult for me to try and imagine. I am not you, and that has never happened to me, so I probably will imagine the wrong feelings anyways.
I find it difficult to bond with the characters in books too. Or just to understand exactly what the hell the character is going through and why the author is wasting so many words on that moment.
Yes, I don't get it.
No, I don't think theres a problem with it.
Anyways, it's just that I'm thinking about this idea of perspective and it hit me that everyone views the world differently. Isn't it almost scary to think someone will look at the world almost as if the things we see are different?

So I got told (pretty firmly cause I was pushing for it) to get the hell away from someones diary cause they didn't want me to read it. It was just.. different? I couldn't understand why I wasn't allowed to read it. So I took years of experiences' advice and got the hell out of the situation.

Also with Christine. Well I learnt from her to enjoy life, and don't stress too much about the itty bitty details, and you know, slacking off a little in class or not bothering to walk 2m is perfectly ok. But sometimes I really get pissed off.. well not pissed. Just annoyed when I look at her. Like when she was looking at my bag and just grabbed stuff out of it because she "liked shiny stuff"

No. You don't do that, and I don't think its ok. I don't know what alternate universe you think you're on but you don't just shove your hand into other peoples' stuff. It's a little thing called privacy.

Not that Christine found anything embarrassing, but I just got really annoyed for some reason. Mainly because she didn't even ask me.

Man, understanding other people is hard. Why did I even think about wanting to do psychology. My capacity for empathy is so low that I probably wouldn't even understand why anyone thinks like that even if it got taught to me.
I guess the bottom line is that
I just don't care

3:59 p.m.

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