
The world isn't fair.
That is more or less universal fact.
It could be about day-to-day things, like missing out on KRudd's cash bonus.
Or on a larger scale, if you think about world poverty and hunger.

Everything seems to be distributed unequally. Fertile soil to grow land in is not distributed equally. Some countries (the poorer ones) such as Brazil have at least high quality soil that can be harvested. But other countries don't. And those unlucky enough to get have a low distribution of wealth, struggle to bring their country out of poverty.

But anyways, this isn't an entry on world poverty.

What I was thinking was, that it seems that happiness is also unequal.
For some people, it seems like such a struggle for them to be happy.
I think I sit near the middle, maybe leaning towards the happier side when it comes to this topic.

Maybe I'm just easily amused; but I'm pretty much happy and/or content most of the time. And the funny thing is I'm a pessimist.

I don't think happiness is really affected by your view on the world; or your religion. To me, it seems more like a fundamental thing. More like the person you really are; your basic, most simplest of emotions and personality. So is happiness just apart of you like that? And what if you are unhappy, then does it mean it's just more of a struggle for you to be happy and that's it?

By the way, I'm aware there are other factors beside the ability to be happy. There are plenty of problems in everybody's life; some worse than others, but those are personal and I won't go into it.

But what I mean is in general; does it seem that some people find it harder to be happy than others? Is the ability to experience happiness, to evoke happiness within yourself, varying among people?

Those who don't have everything, can have everything through happiness.
And those who have everything, can also have nothing through the lack of happiness.

Is this unfair, or does it balance out the unfairness?

10:20 p.m.

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