
I just heard something very smart:

"The difference between playing an instrument and playing music is like talking.

When you talk, you don't think about how you pronounce words, or how to move your mouth, you are thinking about what you want to say and how to express your ideas.

Music is the same. You need to look past just playing the instrument to what you want to say and how you want to say it."

Paraphased a little, but that's okay.
It made my crappy day up.

My day was... wonderful and terrible at the same time. On one hand, I don't feel like I'm drowning at school anymore and I'm relaxed with the idea of school and work.

But on the other hand, I was relaxed to the point of mellow and lethargic. Which is not what you want to be around a bunch of hyperactive girls... I just felt out of it, out of that bubble of craziness and well to me right now, immaturity. I just wanted to sit by myself and think.
And in a group of materialistic superficial girls, thinking is an alien concept. Isn't that a shame?

I'm sick of speeding down the highway. I want to buy myself a house in the country, somewhere buried in Japan, surrounded by mountains, green and trees.

And think.

10:40 p.m.

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