aliens and happiness

Him: How are you?
Me: I haven't been asked that in so long, I honestly don't know how to reply..


I'm getting dragged down by the excruciating tedious side of life. Life is wonderful, it's exciting, and it's full of potential. But in all honesty, life is boring, life is a strict regime of a day to day schedule, and it rarely contains those glimmers of hidden promise.

I was sitting on the train, and feeling... like a very common type of girl. (LOL at my diction. :L) Just feeling the usual wear and tear from every day life dragging me down. Just feeling this thing we call living.

I look up around me, and I see my facial express (stonered), reflected on everybody elses' faces. Everyone looked the same - dull, bland, expressionless, bored (and sleepy ;P). And that was when I realised I probably looked like that as well. I was becoming part of the global subconscious, I was starting to look like everyone else.

Wow, it's like those scary movies where everyone has been taken over by an alien invader and they've just got this blank expression. D:

I guess that's why we get so taken by "beautiful" people. It's not just the fact they look aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but perhaps more they look full of life, and enjoying living. So I guess they stand out because they look alive. Gosh that makes you think doesn't it?

What type of world do we live in, where happiness is as rare as true beauty?

10:59 p.m.

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