it makes my heart heavy

I'm suffering.
I've strayed from the purposeful road that I place myself on, the one that gives me stability, security and strength. I've meandered down life, and when I realised the road had gone, I was too far away to see it. And for once, I don't know which direction to place my feet.

People talk to me about their problems because I seem so stable, so calm, so sure of myself. They want me to solve their problems, advise them like a much older mentor would. Do they ever pause to think, what if I'm not up to it? What if I'm a teenager, just like you? How can you expect me to solve your problems for you?
And what happens when I need help? Who has the audacity to take on wisdom beyond their years, to advise me?

There's no one to talk to.
I can't find comfort in anybody.
Life is one big mess.
I'm so alone,
and suffering.

1:00 p.m.

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