
Too many things to think about, my thoughts are splattered all over the blank slate of my mind... yup, that's how spaced out I am right now...

After years of exam procrastination and high school angst, I have finally learnt the golden truth.
There is no easy way out of exams or studying, no miracle cure for boredom or procrastination, no mythical motivation wand I can wave.
I say this to a lot of people - sometimes, you just have to grit your teeth and get the job over and done with. I know, easier said than done and I'll be the first to admit I'm a hypocrite.

There are two sorts of people in the world; the fighters and the give-uppers. There are those with resilience; it isn't even a conscious thing. The desire to continue down their path no matter how difficult, is about as natural as breathing.
And then there are those who don't possess that sort of grit in them, I don't really know why. (Can you tell which sort I think I am?)
... [Hester] began the daily custom; and she must either sustain and carry it forward by the ordinary resources of her nature, or sink beneath it."
-The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne

It's because it was the successful we hear about, the fighters and winners. Those who have given up... no one ever hears from them again.

Taking a break from studying and walking down the road, I saw a garden with these flowers that managed to simultaneously capture red, yellow and purple in different petals. Other people would have thought it was beautiful or pretty or breath taking. I thought it was a good method to attract pollinators; the way the petals were shaped and coloured acted as a landing pad to further attract pollinator attention. (biology)

Movies (as many other English students have been heard moaning) have been reduced to collage of close ups, mid shots, wide shots, the hero's journey and character development arcs, mise en scene, costume design, props, themes and paradigms and what not.

Songs are now a construct of sound - tonality, expressive techniques, call and response, texture, phrasing, harmony, instrumentation...

Enough said, I think I'm going to stop displaying what a sadcase I am :D
But point taken, maybe education is ruining my life.

4:56 p.m.

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