
Talking to a painter friend of mine, discussing his body of work for Art. We were joking about hiring live models and nude paintings, and the weightier side (media censorship of nude artwork ironically sexualises intention).
He told me that good looking, skinny models were boring, and that ugly, chubby models got the most work. Ugly models had more interesting features to paint, and their fuller figure was better for depth, gradient, weight, more art talk.

Isn�t that interesting? Hollywood, and by extension, society, champion the stick-thin figure, the perfectly symmetrical face� to the point that people would deliberately pay to have plastic inserted into their bodies to achieve this ideal. Yet art, whose very nature is the pursuit of aesthetic beauty, has dictated otherwise.

I�m too conflicted. I can�t think of a meaningful conclusion.

7:39 p.m.

� �design