welcome me back

I haven't written in a while.
I got together with... how do I describe them? They were, to the most basic level, friends. They were the first friends I had made in high school.

They are more than friends. To me, they represent... things that are lost, things that are in the past, and a testament to the fact that no relationship is permanent.

Anyhow, there are four of us. We planned to keep in touch in the summer via a pair of shorts, and a diaryland where we wrote about our summer.

I reached 50 000 words writing in that diary! (:
So I had been preoccupied with writing a couple thousand words at a time... and no time to write here.

It's over.
Long, difficult explanation.
But I deleted every entry in that diary and it leaves me feeling hollow and bitter everytime I think about it.

So I welcome me back.

7:21 p.m.

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