given up

Growing up is the loss of innocence.
Growing up is becoming aware of the world. And the more you are aware of, the more it erodes your innocence.

I believe the first 5 years of a life are the best of anyones. We are children. We are young. And we know nothing.

I've lost faith in the world. I don't believe it can fix itself together anymore, and I think the great leaders of the world are wasting their time trying to fix it.

Our world is one of neverending wars and disputes.
I used to watch channel 10 news, or the national TV channel. It was... a lot more lighthearted (to the extent that news can be), and talked about local car crashes or break ins.
I watch SBS news now. SBS news is... so much more global. I feel like I'm not ignorant anymore and I'm connected to what's happening in the rest of the world.

But rarely is it ever good news. The news is depressing.
Every day, it is either somewhere getting attacked by militant groups, or a protest turning into a brawl and people getting hurt.

It's gotten to the point where I think there will never be peace in the world.
That where there will always be militants and insurgents, and the government will always struggle to repel them, and it will always be the people who will suffer.

What hope is there left for us in this world?

7:26 p.m.

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