at the end of the tunnel

Haven't written in a while, let's talk about mundane things. People say I think too much, about things that are too big. Do you know what I mean about issues and matters that are too big? I mean... issues on morality, thoughts on the universe, wondering about the direction of mankind. I think everyone thinks about these things once or twice occasionally, but it's almost a habit for me.

I don't like to think too much about things that are close to me, or closer to home, as they say. They seem.. trivial, in comparison to more worldly things. It seems such a petty thing to get worked up and worried about school, exams, friends, boys.
But I guess once in a while, I need to drag my lazy brain back down from Dreamland to Earth, and actually open my eyes for once. (:

School has been... dreary. Dull.
And I don't think it's just me. It seems to be affecting a lot of people. I was talking to Cindy in the bus line, and she said almost exactly the same thing. It started something like this:
Me: Hey Cindy, how are you?
Cindy: Um... alright I guess. Hey.. is it just me, or does everything seem not as fun this year?
Me: I kinda know what you mean.
Cindy: As in, there's just so much more work and stress, and classes aren't interesting.

And I totally got her at that point.
It's like everyone hits mini depression point when they get to year 11.
For me, it's a combination of:
1. Too much homework, and I never seem to have time left over after doing homework these days.
2. Classes are just... I can't wait for them to be over. I don't enjoy the learning, and I don't feel motivated.
Girls are... well we're all deep down goody goodies and try hards. :D We like to do well at school, and we like to enjoy learning and being at school. Except, it just feels different this year.
3. Kenway. is. a. ... I'll just leave that trailing. I can't think up a word bad enough to call her. Even obscene language doesn't quite do it. =="
4. I guess I'm just not used to my new rhythm in life. I have tutoring for 6hours a week now, plus x10 (it feels like) the amount of stuff to practise for violin, and work, and ...

What everyone has been telling everyone else is that it will get better. I'm placing the remainder of my energy into believing that.
At the end of the tunnel, there must be light.

2:59 p.m.

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