what is real and what is construction?

Music teaches you to put feeling into your actions. It teaches you to put expression in what you say, to mean every word and gesture like you mean every note you play.

It teaches you to be patient - think of the many hours of frustration when you couldn't get something right. It teaches you strength in the face of adversity, it teaches you determination, to push through when the going gets rough.

It teaches you to be emotionally collected, stable and healthy. It lets you release raw emotion, to feel more than the usual plodding in society, to be more than the human beings we are.

Music, and any other art form, brings vitality, vividness and beauty to life. It is the beacon of hope that so many wish for.

If only they could see.
If they weren't so narrow minded, so immersed in a shallow empty basin of pop culture, whinging and complaining that their lives have no meaning. Of course it doesn't, if you don't bother to stop staring at your screens for one second and look out the window at the real world. What is real and what is construction? No one knows anymore.

Music gives us the gift of intelligent thought.

Just wondering... well firstly, do I come across as arrogantly insufferably egotistical? -depressed
Maybe all these ramblings are for nothing, they mean nothing, there is no truth in it.
What is truth and what is lies? No one knows anymore.

Oh, and celebrating 100 entries on diaryland. =)

7:05 p.m.

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